Saint Force Calibur Owner:  Hecate

Nation War:  Capella Wins Highest Score: :  Cooper

Hiring PeaceMaker ( CM+EM )
Dear Player,

We are looking for who can monitor player and making event. Everyone can apply.

Job Description.
Help Player or guide them how to be in this server
Report any hacker if you found, even in Dungeon ranking
Entertains Player by making Event ​

Please Send below detail to

Name :
Age :
Age of your character :
Country :
Occupation :
Online time :
Reason why should we hire you :


Name : john Trabvota
Age :22
IGN : MichealScofiel
Age of your character : 9 month
Country : Mexico
Occupation : Still study
Online time : 3 hour everyday at night
Reason why should we hire you : Because im the one you looking for.
Count of comments: 0
Posted on 22 Aug 2017 by admin
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